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This listing is for FULL PAYMENT Pre Order option.

You have paid the full price for the doll when you order this option. No additional costs when the doll is ready to ship.


Lilac Flurry snail bjd including resin fantasy parts (snail house backpack and antlers).


Flurry is limited to 20 dolls of each resin color.

And Artist full sets are limited to 5 dolls of each color.

We already ordered the Flurry dolls in december,so the waiting time is a bit shorter then regular. probebly about 2-3months.

Pre order period opens at sunday march 2th and will run untill sunday march 30. UNLESS DOLLS ARE SOLD OUT BEFORE THAT TIME.


Flurry can wear OB11 clothes and shoes.

Here are the meassurements:

- Height   13,5cm / 5,3inch

- Head       13cm  /  5 inch  (4-5 wig)

- Eyes         8mm

- Chest     6,5cm  /  2,5 inch

- Waist      6,2cm  /  2,4 inch

- Hip          7,3cm  /  2,8 inch

- Arm length incl. hands  4,5cm  /  1,8inch

- Leg length  5cm  /  2inch

- Foot length  1,6cm /  0,6 inch

- Foot width    0,8cm /  0,3inch


You can choose 3 options:


- Lilac. Only face painted (factory painted face-up. the antlers and snail backpack will be UNPAINTED in this option). NO clothes, wig or shoes.

Full price €360. (Layway first payment €160 plus shipping / last payment €200)


- Lilac. face plus fantasy parts painted. (face factory painted and antlers and snailhouse airbrushed and handpainted by me). NO clothes, wig or shoes.

Full price €420 (Layway first payment €220 plus shipping / Last paiment €200)


- Artist full set. Doll face handpainted by me, all fantasy parts airbrushed and painted by me, wig, outfit and shoes. I only have 5 Artist full sets of each resin color available!

Full price €590. (Layway first payment €290 plus shipping / Last payment €300)


All dolls come with random color glass eyes.


Payment options:

- Paypal worldwide. Please make sure your paypal email is the same as your contact email.

- manual. only available within EU. Then you can pay with banktransfer.


Please read all information about pre ordering a doll at the FAQ page on this website. If you order a doll you agree with those terms. Canceling a doll costs money so please make sure you know this before ordering.

Thank you for your interest in Flurry and enjoy...





FULL PAYMENT LILAC Flurry snail bjd Pre Order

€ 360,00Price

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